Monday, October 7, 2013

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What is VanRO?

VanRO is an anarchy server where PKing mean ownage! Where people have no rules to fight, where pking is the rule of all. Where anarchy allow people to player killing, steal drops, pking noobs and everything
VanRO is the only Online private server having Hallucination walk working! and tons of New customized skills to give VanRO the best gameplay Ever!
VanRO is a big community with over 1500 online players with nice gm bringing players entertaiment and events.
Ragnarok Online is a unique game project that has achieved equilibrium of various hostile and alternative races and professions. Normally games can't cope with huge list of different races. They face two main problems. One problem is lack of variety, everything seems to repeat oneself. Another problem is disequilibrium, when one race becomes dominant in relation to another.
VanRO is one of a small number of games having tackled these classic problems. Having chosen any race, you can enjoy the full value of the game and can't feel oneself as appendage of some other races: you will not make a mistake and will not regret your chose, where it is a Blackmisth or Hunter! They are of equal worth. But for your convenience, we have arranged a racial test. You may pass the test and choose the most appropriate race, according to your preferences in game.

Join VanRO now and meet thousand of friends arround the world and start the real Anarchy Online game!
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